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A planet orbiting around Proxima Centauri

Only four light years from our solar system there would be according to astronomers a rocky planet that might have a temperature suitable to allow the liquid state of water rotating at a distance of about seven million kilometres from Proxima Centauri, the star closest to us as the name suggests; but classified as a red dwarf and then burning at a low temperature so the water not cools to the point of becoming ice and not is heated until it becomes steam. It must also have an atmosphere to deflect UV rays considered one hundred times more intensity than those that hit the Earth and researchers still do not know whether it is present or can be formed, however the proximity of the star makes possible explorations with probes. Now there is speculation that in the Milky Way Galaxy there are billions of planets adapted to life though probably too far away to be reached.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   26/08/2016                            article n°:   3234 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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