Xylella isolated in some almond trees in Apulia

In Triggiano in the Bari province in Italy a variant of Xylella (fastidioda-fastidiosa) would have been isolated in some almond trees, for the moment there is talk of isolated cases even if it will be necessary to reclaim the area by uprooting the plants within a radius of fifty meters; this variant of Xylella already identified in other countries could also attack vines and cherry trees. An attempt is being made to monitor the situation that has already caused heavy damage to olive tree crops and decimated monumental centuries-old trees, then climate change is making the plants less resistant and productive. Shifting the focus to Piedmont region it is worth noting the prolonged drought that is affecting the region, it seems that the authorities have requested a state of natural disaster even though it has been raining lately and further rainfall is expected.

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