Low temperatures in parts of Canada and northern U.S.

Weather forecasts announce very low temperatures in Canada in the coming days due to arctic air influences, although meteorologists say that it is not really a polar vortex (which allows, by stationing high up in the atmosphere, to generally maintain low temperatures in polar areas and therefore its weakening); but there is also talk of up to minus forty degrees Celsius in areas north of Alberta due to icy winds and about minus forty-five in parts of Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec, then some say that the perceived temperature could perhaps be up to minus fifty-eight. Low temperatures are also expected in large areas in the north of the United States even if with values that are not so low, but still dangerous for health if you stay outdoors for a long time, it seems that it could also partially affect northern Florida.

e-mail:       info@salutary.eu
Tel:   +39 338 1809310        Date:    Jan 18, 2025              n:   5851      

New eruption of the Ibu volcano in Indonesia

For months the Ibu volcano which is located on the remote island of Halmahera in eastern Indonesia in the north of the province of Maluku, has been showing signs of intense volcanic activity with columns of volcanic ash emanating from the top of the mountain, hundreds of new evacuation orders have already been sent with thousands soon arriving and evacuation centers have been set up. Recently again in Indonesia there was talk of hundreds of houses flooded in the Riau Islands due to storms and thousands of people generally affected by floods and landslides in the country. Shifting our attention to Los Angeles to report the complaints of some who claim that there are neighborhoods in the burned areas with houses without signs of damage apparently due to the intervention of private firefighters and it seems that there is a village of shops that has remained intact (however the air is still unbreathable even for all the inhabitants of the area).

e-mail:       info@salutary.eu
Tel:   +39 338 1809310        Date:    Jan 17, 2025              n:   5850      

Little snow accumulated in the Alps

It is estimated that on average there is up to more than sixty percent less snow in the Alps than in the past (a period calculated approximately from 2011 to 2023), this means that the water reserve in the summer months will be very reduced and how it would be appropriate to build reservoirs to collect water from any rainfall in the spring months in order to fill the water deficit. The situation on the Apennines is a little better thanks to the recent snowfalls which, if they have caused some inconvenience with falling trees and difficulty moving, allow water reserves to be stored in the snowpack, but also in this case in the event of periods characterized by above-average temperatures in the coming months, it would be necessary to intercept the meltwater of the snow in special reservoirs; in fact, the phenomenon of desertification affects increasingly large areas.

e-mail:       info@salutary.eu
Tel:   +39 338 1809310        Date:    Jan 16, 2025              n:   5849      

Study on conditions that conducive to fires

A particularly dry month of September would have determined the favorable conditions for the disastrous fire to develop in the hills of Los Angeles, at least according to a study that compared the data relating to several large fires; then, despite heavy rainfall in some cases in 2024 the 2025 began with a rather dry situation. Currently the fires are pushing supported by gusts of wind towards the area north of Los Angeles, there is talk of another eighty-four thousand evacuation orders, drinking water unsafe because polluted by toxic substances present in retardants spread by firefighting planes. The air quality is really low considering that the air is saturated with particulate matter and other fine dust from the many burned vehicles (therefore plastics, fuels..) and it is feared that the wind may increase in the coming days.

e-mail:       info@salutary.eu
Tel:   +39 338 1809310        Date:    Jan 15, 2025              n:   5848      

New chips that support artificial intelligence

The sales limits imposed by the United States on some microprocessors that support artificial intelligence highlight how computer architecture is now also changing; in fact, if once the CPU was the microprocessor that made the difference on computing capabilities, now it seems that the graphics processing unit (GPU) has become one of the key chips in Data Centers. The difference would seem to derive from the fact that in order to process questionable images with artificial intelligence it is necessary for the computer to have very considerable graphics capabilities and therefore the computing capacity of these types of chips, which also consume considerable amounts of energy, has grown dramatically in recent years; therefore, if more stringent regulations are called for at the international level to regulate artificial intelligence the development of GPU chips should be regulated.

e-mail:       info@salutary.eu
Tel:   +39 338 1809310        Date:    Jan 14, 2025              n:   5847      

Preventing fires to limit damage

The fires that are devastating the hills of Los Angeles with a provisional toll of twenty-four victims, several serious injuries and calculations of the extensive damage raise questions about what interventions to take to limit the damage in case a similar situation could theoretically also occur in other areas of the world affected by climate change; in fact, adequate prevention could avoid significant disasters. Some say that for example sufficient water reserves must be available to feed the hydrants (it seems that in the Palisade area there was no pressure when the firefighters arrived), then pay attention to possible triggers of fires such as fireworks that remain on the ground as well as dry brushwood and dried plants, make sure that fires cannot spread quickly by tracing firebreak avenues.

e-mail:       info@salutary.eu
Tel:   +39 338 1809310        Date:    Jan 13, 2025              n:   5846      

Devastation caused by the Los Angeles fire

While the provisional death toll from the devastating fire that affected the hills of Los Angeles has risen to eleven, there is also misinformation about for example the palm trees that inexplicably would not have been burned, but some say that in some cases they are well-kept plants and therefore less attackable by fire because they are very humid and the partially dry ones are burned almost like dry straw. Should plant species of palm trees that do not become hotbeds that trigger real fire fronts, then adapt the water system to the needs of the firefighters; in fact, it seems that the great demand for water has quickly exhausted the reserves making unusable the hydrants, more than twelve thousand buildings burned and entire communities practically razed to the ground, seriously damaged the structures of the well-known Californian media in the city.

e-mail:       info@salutary.eu
Tel:   +39 338 1809310        Date:    Jan 11, 2025              n:   5845      

Monitored the overheating trajectory

Every month in 2024 has been the heat or the second highest since global temperatures began to be monitored, some speak of an incredible trajectory (if for example we look at the trend since 1940), while others argue that it is necessary to verify the anomaly in decades to confirm it; but by now it would seem clear that with a concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of 422 parts per million, it is illusory to think that in a few decades the situation regarding global warming will improve. The planet is steadily well above one and a half degrees Celsius of average temperature, a value that had already been indicated as a limit not to be exceeded in order not to have to suffer the disastrous effects of extreme weather phenomena; however there is talk of possible potential to change this trajectory by exiting the era of fossil fuels.

e-mail:       info@salutary.eu
Tel:   +39 338 1809310        Date:    Jan 10, 2025              n:   5844      

New fire front in Los Angeles

A new impressive fire front is affecting the hills of Los Angeles in California in addition to the other uncontrollable ones that had already burned many homes, there are five victims and one hundred thousand evacuation orders as well as wounded even in serious condition; then some speak of a kind of hurricane of fire that passes from one house to another, fifteen hundred structures damaged or destroyed, many cars burned, entire forests practically gone up in smoke. Authorities announce a state of disaster for what is the second largest city in the United States. As usual there are complaints of extreme conditions caused by climate change, with six months of no rainfall that has dried out a lot of vegetation that had grown rapidly for previous periods interspersed with frequent intense rains and then the fire fuelled recent gusts of wind.

e-mail:       info@salutary.eu
Tel:   +39 338 1809310        Date:    Jan 09, 2025              n:   5843      

A fire devours the hills of Los Angeles

Strong gusts of wind make it difficult and almost impossible for firefighters to take action as they try to deal with a practically uncontrollable fire that has advanced rapidly in the hills of Los Angeles forcing tens of thousands of people to leave their homes, there is talk of many houses destroyed (..two victims and several wounded) and about thirteen thousand structures threatened by fires. It is expected that the wind may intensify at night and continue for days, forming vortices with gusts that can reach one hundred and sixty kilometers per hour. Half a million users are at risk of being left without electricity supply with over twenty-eight thousand already in the dark. Changing the subject but remaining on naturalistic issues to report the difficult situation of the localities affected by the earthquake in the Everest area due to the cold, then there is talk of almost two hundred injured.

e-mail:       info@salutary.eu
Tel:   +39 338 1809310        Date:    Jan 08, 2025              n:   5842      

Pirates in jacket and necktie

By now the traditional image of the pirates organizes in groups from corsairs armed of guns and knives to the cingula have yielded the step to the new predator dressed in jacket and necktie that is annoying the web (bandits that unload entire site and they identify the protection keys, steal the symbols, musics..), even with one name of all security that hides the deceit to before the tacking of click. As an example writing "salutary.eu" on a famous search engine between the entrance connections to the site www.salutistico.it, others do not authorize links appear between which also one to those in order to unload freewares, but that practically they turn out to payment through Dialer. Attention to the pirates, exploratory of the web Internet, sails in sure waters; in fact the Demo of the program "Well-being Body - Mind - Soul" deposited that it enjoys all the copyrights can unload free from my salutary.eu Internet site or salutary.eu compiling the appropriate card of recording (and subsequently with relative password communicated) and I dissociate myself from the use of my software to payment for whichever site different from the mine. To notice unfortunately that also writing "salutistico.it" for the original site, are visualized links truculent or trap. - Lately is disappeared the intere site from some search engines.. (that evidently could use the same criteria of selection).

e-mail:       info@salutary.eu
Tel:   +39 338 1809310        Date:    Jan 19, 2007              n:   313

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