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   Harmful oil spill near Manila

There are fears of considerable ecological and tourist damage on the coasts near Manila due to the spillage of one million four hundred thousand liters of hydrocarbons from an oil tanker that sank in part due to "Gaemi" typhoon (in the Philippines twenty-two victims with over half a million people evacuated due to the strong vortex, but are talking about victims, landslides, floods and damage also in Taiwan and China); the Coast Guard is keeping an eye on the oily slick that is spreading in the sea and is looking for a missing member of the ship's crew. To be noted changing the subject but remaining on naturalistic issues various fires in the world to the detriment of vegetation such as in Canada in Alberta which worries the community of Jasper, then in California and recently in Italy, on the Gargano in Puglia region with an arson near Vieste with inconvenience for tourists.

Tel:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jul 26, 2024                  n°:   5706      

   Landslides in northern Vietnam due to heavy rainfall

Three people are reportedly killed, five missing due to heavy rainfall due to a tropical depression with consequent landslides and floods in the province of Son la in northern Vietnam; there is also talk of injuries with rescuers looking for the missing in difficulty because it is still raining, then some areas are completely submerged (some speak of having been surprised by a sea of water and having only had time to escape from home). To be noted changing the subject but remaining on naturalistic issues the enormous amount of energy released into the atmosphere since the beginning of the industrial era and especially in recent decades which is causing incredible climatic and naturalistic upheavals considering also that a few days ago it was the hottest day on average in the world ever recorded and the sea is reaching record temperatures.

Tel:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jul 25, 2024                  n°:   5705      

   Landslides in Ethiopia and typhoon in Philippines

At least two hundred and twenty-nine people would be killed due to two landslides in the remote mountainous area of Gofa in southern Ethiopia which had been affected by heavy rainfall, then rescuers are still digging with makeshift tools and even with their bare hands in the mud and in the unstable and yielding ground to look for any other missing for what is defined as the most mournful disaster in the Horn of Africa. As for the Philippines the typhoon called "Gaemi" is lashing the north of the country, Manila particularly affected due to flooding and some mountainous areas affected by landslides; there is also talk of victims, missing people, impassable roads as well as evacuations, cancellations of flights and many people requesting help. The typhoon is heading towards Taiwan where the authorities have already taken measures to deal with the strong vortex.

Tel:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jul 24, 2024                  n°:   5704      

   Fire in Jasper National Park in Canada

The authorities would have declared an emergency with an evacuation order for residents in the area affected by several outbreaks that are burning vegetation in Jasper National Park in Canada including the inhabitants of the city of Jasper warning that various highways and roads have been closed, then there is talk of thousands of evacuations in northern Alberta and for days the wind has been fueling about three hundred fires in British Columbia and there are also fears for the arrival of a strong storm that could make the situation worse. To be noted changing scenery but remaining on naturalistic themes the marine heat wave that is affecting the Mediterranean with for example inconvenience for vacationers on the coasts of Croatia forced to swim in the evening hours due to the temperatures of thirty degrees Celsius of the sea and forty degrees environmental during the day.

Tel:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jul 23, 2024                  n°:   5703      

   Undertested operating system updates

Following the IT chaos caused in many countries around the world by a malfunctioning software update (perhaps little tested) for a widely used operating system, controversy has arisen regarding the excessive dependence of entire production sectors on online computers and computers. It seems that in some cases remained unresolved it will take several days or even weeks to return to normal and solve the inefficiencies caused by those well-known and unpleasant blue screens of error with the danger of worsening the situation if turn to unscrupulous IT operators. Changing the subject but remaining on technological issues, the risk according to a recent study of that texts written with the help of artificial intelligence are all similar, in practice characterized by a lack of originality and a kind of qualitative leveling.

Tel:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jul 22, 2024                  n°:   5702      

   A bridge collapses in Shaanxi in China

Eleven people would be killed by the partial collapse of a bridge in the northwest of Shaanxy province in Zhashui county in the city of Shangluo due to a cloudburst and consequent sudden influx of water, there is also talk of missing people and rescuers have recovered five vehicles that fell into the river and search operations continue. Changing the subject but remaining on naturalistic issues, the letter sent with the complaints of about two hundred nations to the speakers of the COP29 conference to be held in November in Azerbaijan, a country rich in gas and fossil fuels, regarding the little progress made to help poor countries cope with climate change and that they are responsible for a small part of it. Needless to say no one will compensate all the creatures affected by global warming and the Globe itself.

Tel:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jul 20, 2024                  n°:   5701      

   Coping with high temperatures in Europe

Due to the heat wave that is affecting Europe and in particular the areas to the south and east there are interruptions in the supply of electricity for the use of refrigerating appliances, then there is talk of numerous fires; therefore it would be necessary to strengthen the electricity grids so as to be able to absorb consumption peaks and organize teams of firefighters capable of dealing with the fires. In Greece the authorities have closed the Acropolis to visits during the hottest hours, warning tourists to take precautions in a city gripped by the grip of the heat that reaches forty degrees Celsius and leaves no respite even on nights at thirty degrees that do not allow to sleep. Heat waves in Europe will become increasingly frequent and prolonged with a consequent strong impact for example on soils that risk quickly losing vital moisture due to heat and strong solar radiation.

Tel:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jul 19, 2024                  n°:   5700      

   Toronto in Canada flooded by a storm

Canada's most populous city would have been flooded due to a severe wave of bad weather characterized by prolonged cloudbursts, some complain that little has been done to make the city less vulnerable to climate change and adapt the infrastructure appropriately since the streets have turned into rivers with cars semi-submerged, railway station and subway unusable, then some kind of waterfalls fell in the low areas without taking into account the inconvenience for the population often left without electricity supply. To be noted changing the subject but remaining on naturalistic issues the heat wave in Italy with peaks of over forty Celsius degrees an increase in hospitalizations for illnesses due to high temperatures, then for example in Palermo city in Sicily region in addition to the heat drinking water has been rationed (measure then postponed).

Tel:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jul 18, 2024                  n°:   5699      

   Children without vaccinations due to conflict

The number of children who do not receive vaccinations considered essential and who protect against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough is increasing due to the multiplication of conflicts in the world, at least according to an international report that shows that there have been about fourteen and a half million fewer vaccinations administered in 2023 compared to thirteen million and nine hundred thousand in 2022; then would have to add another six and a half million who have had only one dose and therefore cannot be said to be properly vaccinated and this could have consequences to prevent any epidemics in the future. Sudan has the highest number of missed vaccinations due to a civil conflict that has been affecting the country since fifteen months, dropping from seventy-five percent in 2022 to fifty-seven percent in 2023 (therefore over seven hundred thousand unvaccinated children).

Tel:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jul 17, 2024                  n°:   5698      

   Rotational motion of the Earth slowed down

These are a few milliseconds of slowing around the Earth's axis that could be underestimated, but according to the researchers they make a difference in communications in space and for other various precision measurements. It is the melting of the ice of the polar ice caps due to global warming that causes this slowdown a bit like what happens figuratively to a skater who rotating on himself with his arms close to his body in a pirouette then widens them by slowing them down. In theory with days even if slightly longer the effects of a warmer climate intensify, then it is estimated that this slowdown will increase by the end of the century exceeding the gravitational influence of the Moon in magnitude which causes a small deceleration of a few milliseconds that can be calculated in millions of years.

Tel:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jul 16, 2024                  n°:   5697      

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