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Poverty and lack of development in South of Italy

In Italy the economic conditions of the South have always been quite difficult and now apparently have further deteriorated, with many southern citizens lack the means to care considering that health facilities often offer poor service and little enough attention to the individual ill, with some exceptions or rare happy island. The development is lagging behind the South and now speaks openly of an agreement "state-mafia" for the management of the power that has adverse effects throughout the economy and management of resources of the country severely affected justice in accordance statements that begin to slowly filter into the blanket of misinformation in a wider context unclear and does not allow the ordinary citizen to object or request a change of direction, hoping at least as far as possible not to get sick just by living peacefully.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   21/07/2010                            article n°:   1326 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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