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Anniversaries of the personal computer

In August of 1981 (the 12) was launched the first personal computer to the general public produced by an American company manufacturer of mainframes initially contained in "wide blue envelopes", who gave to the new computer an innovative microprocessor invented by an Italian designer and an operating system similar to that adopted by the first computer kits that used a project derived from studies conducted at PARC in California in 1971. Before can conveniently place a computer on the desk at home, the technology has had to travel a long way considering that the first handheld calculator called the "pascaline" was built in 1642 by mathematician, philosopher, religious-Jansenist Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), but was G.W. Leibniz (1646-1716) which basically invented the binary calculation, then there was a slow progress that led until to the replacement of the mechanical gears with electronic circuits.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   06/08/2011                            article n°:   1651 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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