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Diseases caused by warming of the oceans

The marine species are moving quickly for the warming of the oceans and even some kinds of vibrios tend to proliferate to cause of the increased water temperature, but this ends up promoting an increase in gastroenteritis and other diseases for contamination of the food chain, which require a very high cost in its treatment. Ingestion of these pathogens that tend to proliferate in the overheating water as a result of global warming could also cause septicemia and cholera epidemics, in addition, acidification of the oceans results in a lower proportion of carbon dioxide that the algae are able to capture with the consequence that the gas ends up in the atmosphere and fuel the mechanism of global warming, without to mention the coastal erosion caused by rising seas mainly due to the melting of polar ice.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   15/09/2011                            article n°:   1685 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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