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Plato musical education

The accurately education of young according to Plato (427-347 BC) is fundamental to building a state of ideal type and therefore should be exercised with music, dances, choruses that are union of song and dance, but these arts should not be based on pleasure on deceptive imitation of reality of the senses and aim mainly for educational purposes. The construction of this "utopian" state is an objective of the Athenian philosopher, who will try to achieve for most of his lifetime risking the life, and Justice and the Supreme Good is the very foundation on which are hold a series of laws that regulate the coexistence of citizens in a harmonious and musical mode. Most of the information provided in the Platonic dialogues about these sets of rules vary according to the speculative phase reached, and in the final stage of the life of the philosopher seems to have been sorted and transcribed by a his disciple.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   07/10/2011                            article n°:   1704 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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