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Sugar damaging as alcohol and tobacco

Excessive consumption of sugar is connected to serious problems for the organism as metabolic syndrome, diabetes and hypertension who also have a cost to health systems increasingly short of resources and some suggest to compare the sugar to alcohol and tobacco how toxicity, with taxes to discourage the consumption, while others would argue that saturated fats and low physical activity are the real cause of many diseases typical of modern societies. Obesity is a problem in many countries and the number of individuals who can not keep the weight under control would be considerably higher than that of individuals undernourished and also the mortality rate connectable to chronic diseases appears to be either superior to that of infectious diseases and the researchers note that on the evolutionary point of view natural sugar in fruit is available only at harvest and also the honey is defended by bees and can not easily take.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   04/02/2012                            article n°:   1809 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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