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Put in orbit a powerful new telescope

A very powerful telescope that can observe the electromagnetic spectrum to high energy X-rays with details of the sky about a hundred times more accurate than traditional tools was put in orbit, and with this latest technology will be able to peer into the center of the galaxy, then try to give an explanation for such phenomena as the explosion of stars and cosmic rays. Recently Japanese astronomers have recently discovered a galaxy far nearly thirteen billion light years of using telescopes in Hawaii, which add to those observations made in 2010 with the Hubble Space Telescope, and that would tend to confirm the so-called big bang theory that the universe would be "originated" by an explosion over thirteen billion light years ago, so now the research is approaching what is considered a limit, even though by now suggests that there may be other universes.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   14/06/2012                            article n°:   1921 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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