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Medicines on measure

Probably simply analyzing the metabolites in the urines it will be possible to establish the toxicity of medicines and to dose of the active principles "on measure" of the patient, an objective that is attempted to catch up for a long time both with the genetics and with the study of the circadian rhythms (from the moment that the doses of medicines would have to vary with the hour of the day and the subject). Now for the moment it does not remain that to try to secure the prevention; in fact there are of the luminary that support that many super pubblicized medicines are useless and on the other hand as an example is famous that the integrators, prepares in order to become thin and in order to increase the memory have one rather doubt effectiveness (at least regarding the placebo). Someone advances doubts also on the posology of the medicines and the experimentation on the animals (and in China for rare species and to risk of extinction are hunting without mercy in order to gain medicines without scientific validity); moreover, it seems that some innocuous active principles for the animals are extremely injurious for the human, as an example the sad case of the thalidomide, then there is the problem legacy to the abuse of antibiotics and the treatment excessive extended of the cures, rendering practically in this way more and more resistant the micro-organisms every time.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   05/10/2006                            article n°:   250 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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