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A reminder thirty years after Bhopal tragedy

In December 1984 a toxic cloud caused by a chemical plant near Bhopal capital of the Madhya Pradesh reached the inhabitants of this great city located in central India causing more than two thousand victims and serious injury, and is talk of a balance of twenty thousand victims that can be connected to the accident. From the stories of those who have been invested by the toxic cloud and managed to survive is remind the burning sensation as it had been caused by a blaze of fire in the eyes and in the bowels and then the persistent cough; in fact the methyl isocyanate produced by a multinational corporation in Bhopal caused strong irritation to mucous membranes and corroded the internal organs (with effects on long-term health, even very painful). Needless to say how often happen for this kind of accidents that claims were ridiculous and in many cases the citizens have gotten anything by local authorities.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   03/12/2014                            article n°:   2698 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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