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Less obese by planting trees in public areas

An easy and economical solution to prevent weight gain in the population and the related health costs for the treatment of diseases related to obesity and overweight would be to plant trees in public areas, at least according to the results of a study analyzing the physical activity of twelve thousand and five hundred individuals in New Zealand; in fact just ensure easy access to green areas and public parks where walking to lower the overall average percentage of obese individuals. In New Zealand about twenty-eight percent of adults are considered obese with figures that tend to rise and for researchers between the causes is to identify the lack of access to public green places. It is not just the look for the percentage of obese children and adults but also the mental and physical well-being to deteriorate in the absence of healthy walking and physical activity.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   07/02/2015                            article n°:   2753 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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