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Immune from the virus Zika contagion in few years

The infection caused by the bite of the mosquito of the Aedes genus, for computer simulated models on other similar epidemics (such as dengue and chikungunya), may become so frequent in the areas most affected by this health issue to cause in the population a mass immunization within two or three years on a large scale and therefore for a decade this sort of generalized security might prevent further transmissions of the virus with only limited intermittently episodes of contagion. Meanwhile it has been reported in New York City the first case of sexual transmission of the virus Zika from female to male, since a woman returned from a country at risk has infected the partner even if according to researchers is not surprisingly this infection and was previously verified the possibility of contagion from man to woman.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   18/07/2016                            article n°:   3201 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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