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Still struggling in India over the pandemic

With three hundred and sixty thousand new cases of contagion and almost three thousand three hundred victims in one day India is the country now most affected by the pandemic and the health situation continues to be really difficult despite the arrival of material, emergency equipment and international aid to support the sector. There is talk of crematoria working on a continuous cycle while some say that the official victims (in total over two hundred thousand) and cases of contagion are probably underestimated, while the controversy for gatherings on the Ganges River for recent festivals and other events that have spread the virus in the population perhaps also due to the Indian variant that would have accelerated the rhythm of the infections. Nor has benefited the relatively younger average age of the country compared to others severely affected by the pandemic, but it is investigated about the virulence and aggressiveness of the variant.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   28/04/2021                            article n°:   4697 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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