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Genetic obesity and style of life

Probably between the causes that contribute to the risk to become obese are some specific genes, at least from how much it turns out from some searches carried out on the twins, while others signal that could are of the correlations between the mechanisms of thermoregulation and adaptation to the low temperatures with the predisposition to accumulate fat in excess; but at the same time it happens more and more often to assist to debate on the style of life more and more distant from healthy norms with unbalanced feeding and insufficient physical exercise. The individuals predisposed for genetic causes to become obese could mainly be hit from varied metabolic pathologies and also from some types of tumors, therefore in these cases to carry out a good prevention abounding with a nutrition rich of fruit and vegetables, appropriated physical exercise (meditation..) surely contribute to maintain in shape with a small engagement of time and salutary constancy.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   18/02/2008                            article n°:   620 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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