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Protection of the astronauts in space

Continue the race to conquer space especially in the countries once considered "developing" despite the economic difficulties (without considering the environmental impact and eventual space wastes).. and also with regard to future missions to Mars with the possibility of bringing the man on the cold red planet, scientists have thought of adopting new technologies to protect astronauts from protons and other subatomic particles that can damage the DNA during the long journey of about eighteen months, since the distance from Earth to Mars varies from 55 to 400 million of kilometers. Thanks for example through the use of a protective magnetic field simulating the action of the two poles on our planet to divert the cosmic rays that can cause serious diseases like cancer, eye cataracts and various type of neurological diseases.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   05/11/2008                            article n°:   818 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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