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The sand grains of Archimedes

It might seem at first sight that the grains of sand are not countable, but Archimedes died ~ twenty-two hundred years ago in Syracuse in 212 BC did not give up to the evidence and in his work Sandstone resorting to measures of size available in his time he was able to calculate how many myriads of myriads of grains of sand would fill the sphere of the known world and the cosmos (in this case using the calculations of Aristarchus with heliocentric hypothesis). What then will be called the infinitesimal calculus was for the acute mind of the greek mathematical was a normal method of research relevant to his demonstration on measurements of the circle, the sphere, the cylinder.. and killed roughly and robbed by Romans seems that his tomb was recognizable because of the trace of a cylinder and a sphere to remember her studies. Times are always hard today and now the "rhetoricians" were also seized of the Socratic maieutic.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   20/07/2012                            article n°:   1953 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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