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Locate gravitational waves

As happens to waves that propagate into the water at a specific point in space of weak gravitational waves, ripples primordial, propagate at the speed of light in the universe and astronomers with a radio telescope at the South Pole have identified these waves crossing the space and help to give an explanation to the theory of expansion of the Universe and also to that of Einstein's theory of general relativity, published in 1915. In the first moments of the universe would have caused a massive explosion known as cosmic inflation (like a balloon that is inflated) so fast with gravitational waves that remain as evidence of a kind of primitive tremor. Other theories that have not yet been proven as one of the "superstrings", but that by now seem more plausible, pose questions about the Cosmo model based on the Big Bang.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   18/03/2014                            article n°:   2472 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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