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Use old molecules for antibiotic resistance

Mainly because of the excessive use of antibiotics has become increasingly common to come across cases of antibiotic resistance and second Canadian researchers can try using old molecules present in targeted drugs to other diseases to see whether they can be effective to eradicate these bacteria potentially very risky to the health and the situation is worsening rapidly. This also because for years do not produce more new drugs to replace those that have lost their effectiveness, then the pharmaceutical industry prefers to invest on molecules of wide use that could give a strong payback and in general for the consumer doesn't happen that an antibiotic will become commonplace. Typically are needed fifteen years to develop a new molecule to be used for drugs to be used in these cases, why try to experience old molecules may represent a realistic solution.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   08/09/2016                            article n°:   3245 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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