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At the center of galaxy there would be a black hole

For several years is assumed that the to center of the Milky Way there was a "black" hole (not visible from the moment that even the light is captured by the great force of gravity) and through the observation of the movement of certain stars that revolve around the center the galaxy, the Germans astronomers found that would almost certainly result from the presence of this big black hole with a mass four million times greater than our sun. Other studies reported how our galaxy could have within it a kind of disc of "dark matter" which according to some calculations should represent about 22% of the mass in the Universe and how it would be a kind of halo of low intensity surrounding the Milky Way, then there would be 74% of a still little known and strange "dark energy", then only 4% of visible matter.. (in practice we can not see most of the Universe around us).

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   11/12/2008                            article n°:   849 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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