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Sustainable consumption of fish

The practice of the intensive fishing of industrial type impoverish the seas and it would be appropriate to try to avoid the introduction in the nutrition species in which they can not reproduce correctly (such as the Atlantic cod); and some suggest, even if the fish is a good source omega-3 to limit the consumption of fat particularly those which may contain pollutants in the fat which then accumulate in the organism like the mercury of the swordfish, of the marlin, of some species of sharks.. potentially harmful if is exceed the two portions per week, especially for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Other large mammals in the seas are endangered like the whales, killed hundreds (even for "scientific" scopes by the Japanese), despite the repeated international moratoria and the engagement of groups that seek to raise the public awareness to safeguard the seas.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   08/01/2009                            article n°:   869 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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